In the movie the planet of the apes, the theme of xenophobia is very strong throughout the whole movie. as soon as the humans get to the planet the apes are scared of them. and the apes kill all the men of their world. and man has become very dumb throughout the years to the point where man has become a second rate species. and the apes think that no man can be smart.
Throught the ape societ i think there is discrimination but no one minds. like all the monkeys are in their own class lioke the gorillas and chimpanzees have different jobs, but everyone just goes with it no one really cares that there is a certain job for them that they pretty much have to go in to.
Also in the ape society everyone just blindly follows the keeper of the faith. No one questions their leaders they just trust that they are leading them down the right path. The apes are totally ignorant because the leaders know what really happened but they dont tell the rest of the apes. I think the apes will stay where they are until their civilization dies. they will not advance in farther int the future.
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