Monday, April 30, 2012

Blog 19

Time Travel is a concept developed by science fiction but has become somewhat of a craze in the scientific world. Scientists are debating wether or not it is possible. Some say you can only go forward in time while others say you can go forward or backward. In class we watched the Star Trek episode A City on the Edge of Forever, in this episode Kirk and Spock go back in time to rescue Mccoy. While they are there they realize that whatever Mccoy did drastically altered the future. A woman must die in order for the future to be set right again. And if she doesnt then the whole future changes. However a homeless man dies who did not die before and yet nothing changed. Which can only mean that some people drastically alter history with their presence while others merely exist.
 We also read a Nova interview with Carl Sagan on his views of time travel. He reminded me of Stephen Hawking a lot. He used the same theories such as moving as close to the speed of light to travel forward in time. And how it is probably impossible to go backward in time. He said he has mixed feelings about backwards time travel. He would like to go back but he doesnt want to not exist. He also talks about the granfather paradox which is kind of crazy if you think about it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I Borg blog

in todays class we finished up the star trek episode I Borg. in this episode the crew finds a borg thaat has been badly injured. so as they are nursing it back to health, for who knows what reason its a damn borg i would have just left it there, the borg begins to understand what it means to be an individual. this borg comes to understand the imporetance of not being assimilated because of Geordie. He doesnt want his friend to be assimilated and in the end pays the ultimate price. Geordie tells him that losing his sense of individuality is almost worse than dieing. and that is what Hue must do at the end. He must give up his individuality to be re-assimilated with the rest of the borg. but at the end of the episode we see him turn to geordie, which may mean he has retained some sort of his former self, from when he was with the crew, it must have stuck with him

Friday, April 13, 2012

blog "Reason"

Today i read the short story reason. in this story two guys are in a space staion with some robots and the robots take over and try to destroy earth. The two men must try to logically reason with a robot that is built to reason. ironic eh. anyway i did not much care for this story. it wasnt very exciting kind of dull in my eyes. i did think it was cool that they had to argue with the robot and the robot was smart enough to argue back. this demonstrates the frankenstein complex because man made the robots and the robots revolted in a way. they no loonger listen to their creators and have even come up with a new master that they follow who is also a robot. if this were to happen in real life all human life would be in danger.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Blog #11 random sample

Today in class we read random sameple. I did not care for this story. I thought it was pretty poorly written. the was awkward to read i think. it was a cool idea but it was not represented well. it was not very interesting to me at all.

We also read the king of the beasts today and that one was much better. it was more interesting and written much better. it was fun to read and it kept my attention. it had a good twist at the end when it revealed that man was being recreated, but it was kind of anticipated

Friday, March 9, 2012

Planet of the Apes blog #10

In the movie the planet of the apes, the theme of xenophobia is very strong throughout the whole movie. as soon as the humans get to the planet the apes are scared of them. and the apes kill all the men of their world. and man has become very dumb throughout the years to the point where man has become a second rate species. and the apes think that no man can be smart.

Throught the ape societ i think there is discrimination but no one minds. like all the monkeys are in their own class lioke the gorillas and chimpanzees have different jobs, but everyone just goes with it no one really cares that there is a certain job for them that they pretty much have to go in to.

Also in the ape society everyone just blindly follows the keeper of the faith. No one questions their leaders they just trust that they are leading them down the right path. The apes are totally ignorant because the leaders know what really happened but they dont tell the rest of the apes. I think the apes will stay where they are until their civilization dies. they will not advance in farther int the future.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Enders Game Blog #2

For me this is where the story started to pick up. Once he got into battle school and started playing the games is when i started to really like it. When he would fight in the battle arena thing was my favorite part of the book. It was so cool to see how he would solve each challenge and that he never lost. The battle scenes were so intense i found it hard to put the book down. I liked how he treated his team when he was in command. He was harsh but what he did made them win every round and made his followers love him.
However i do find it hard to believe that kids so young could do things like that. These kids were so smart and so strong that they had to have been genetically changed somehow. These kids he won with were new recruits which means most of them were only 6 or 7 which is crazy because in todays world kids that young are not capable of doing things of that nature.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blog #8

This story we read today was kind of weird. It was about xenophobia which is the fear of aliens. In this story the humans failed their test because they were happy the human race was human. Which first off how does that even make sense... How could the human race be the master race and humans were unaware of it? second does it really make a difference? I dont think it would be any different than if we were a minority race. I think i would have passed because those kinds of things dont matter to me. And common sense would have taken over. If it was me in this story we would all be in space right now partying it up with some aliens